Now as for your
saying, Fannius, that so great merit is ascribed
to me—merit such as I neither admit nor claim
—you are very kind; but it seems to me that your
estimate of Cato is scarcely high enough. For
either no man was wise—which really I think is the
better view—or, if anyone, it was he. Putting aside
all other proof, consider how he bore the death of
his son!1 remembered the case of Paulus, and I
had been a constant witness of the fortitude of
Gallus, but their sons died in boyhood, while Cato's
son died in the prime of life when his reputation was
1 Cicero admired the stoical parent (e.g. Fabius, in C.M. 12 Cato, here and in C.M. 84), but on the death of his only daughter about eighteen months before this essay was written Cicero's grief was unrestrained.
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